
Bed Bath and Beyond Loves College!

Today was the day that my college kid went back to school.  I didn’t want her to go!  She did!

I hate that.

Honestly I’m just joking.  I mean I know she’s excited to go back to school, but I also know she’ll miss being home too.  She gave me  a super hug and kiss before she left promising she’d call me regularly. 

She won’t!

In the mail yesterday I got an ad from Bed Bath and Beyond.  It’s for 20 percent off hundreds of thousands of items and on the top of the brochure is a sign that says “We ❤ college”.  The junk mail has this image of a family unloading their minivan.  Mom is reaching out to Dad and they are both ecstatic.  Junior is hauling what appears to be a large speaker or a tower fan out of the car. He’s smiling at his parents who are holding bed bath and beyond bags.   They all look so happy. 

Their experience is much different than mine!  My college kid couldn’t wait to be away from her doting parents.  She also remembered at 6:30 am that she needed a shower curtain!

That 20 percent off coupon would have been great if I could have purchased a shower curtain that she could take with her this morning- but of course they aren’t open at that time. 

It’s a good thing Walmart loves college too!



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