
“Ask Me What I’m Asking For”

Today was Philly’s turn for the “SlutWalk”.

I didn’t go, but I do care about the message those women are sending.

I imagine that some folks will say that these “feminazi’s” are sending the wrong message because they are selling what people want- sexualized women.  I think anyone who sees it that way is missing the point.

The point is that there has been such a strong response  from women who have been or who know someone who has been sexually abused.  They were assaulted and it wasn’t because of what they wore, or how they acted.  Those things have nothing to do with who becomes a  victim of sexual violence.  I think these women are trying to say that it is part of a culture that needs to be wiped out.

The name “Slut”  needs to have the sting taken out of it.  Women don’t need to feel bad about being sexually vibrant, fully alive human beings.  Exploring their sexuality and feeling healthy and sensual doesn’t mean they are “asking for it”.  It means that they are fully human, fully adult women and no one has any right to abuse or mistreat them!

I hear them!

I don’t think they want to take back the name of “slut”.  I think they want to make it seem foolish to label a woman a slut.    I think they want to show that they are strong and healthy and they don’t want to be blamed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, nor do they want to hear that they are partially responsible because they were wearing something that made someone think they were “available” sexually!

I support them!



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