
My Free Rings!

I just got a lovely card from “my friends at Holsted Jewelers”.

They want me to know they appreciate me and they want me to accept 2 lovely rings just because they appreciate me!

All I have to do is call the phone number and give them my free gift code by August 31 2011.

All I have to do is pay the shipping and handling and also the applicable taxes for each ring.

Isn’t that nice?

Actually I’m joking!  It’s nonsense.  There is no such thing as a free lunch is there?

NO such thing as free rings from a company I’ve never heard of just because they supposedly want to thank me for being me!

It is making me smile though.  Holsted Jewelers appreciates me!




Women and Church

Over at Huffpost I read about a Barna survey  http://www.barna.org/faith-spirituality/508-20-years-of-surveys-show-key-differences-in-the-faith-of-americas-men-and-women

 which looked at Christian Churches over the last 20 years to see if there were any changes either positive changes, or negative ones.  And it turns out that there is a slight concern with a negative change in the participation of women in churches. 

I remember a few years back I was an active member at my local church.  I taught Sunday School, and I read during Worship and I even delivered a few sermons believe it or not.  I was lucky enough to be allowed to preside over a group of women from churches all around the Pottstown area.  It was a really challenging and wonderful experience but I was a young mother at the time and I found myself torn several times because I was working and raising kids and helping them in school and with their activities.  I felt absolutely worn out some days.

I remember attending a women’s conference.  I was seated at lunch with a group of lovely ladies from all over the country and we were talking about the future of women in the church.  I mentioned that I thought it was harder for women to be part of the life of the church because they were being asked to meet so many other committments.  Shockingly, most of the women at the table disagreed with me.  I was really surprised. 

I remember looking at my parfait and thinking of my family at home.  That luncheon stands out clearly as one of the times that I felt stressed.

Now perhaps I’m more easily stressed than some other women.  Maybe I worry more about meeting other people’s expectations than I should.  But I thought then and I still think now that Church is a place where we should be able to come with our concerns and our worries without being told we are wrong, or that our fears or concerns are unfounded.

Ultimately my experience with the Church didn’t make me feel as if I belonged.  Of course that lunch wasn’t the final event that made me walk away…there were other worries, but I’m one of those people who could quote scripture, and I could talk about the early Church Fathers and I could discuss current events in relation to biblical principles- but nonetheless I walked away.

I think that I do that a lot.  I don’t consider that behavior responsible.  It isn’t something I’m very proud of.  But it’s like I have to be ‘honest’.  I have to be true to me.  I got to a place where I didn’t  have anyone around to answer my most pressing questions.  It was the “dark night of my soul”.  And rather than digging in deeper and wrestling with my dilemma.  I put it aside.  It wasn’t my best move, but I’m okay with it.

I admire folks who are active in their Churches.  I think faith and religion are good things. 

This Barna survey makes me a little sad.  I’m not glad that there are more women walking away from Church.  I’m afraid I understand what might be happening…but it makes me feel sad.




What Do You Want?

Do you ever think about what it is you want? 

Have you taken the time to separate and organize your wants so that you can see which of the things are necessary and which are just whimsy?

Do you feel it’s okay to want things?  Or do you feel like you should keep your wants and needs private?

What do you want?

Do the things that you want point to who you are as a person?  And have you thought about that?

I’m just wondering.





Camping Out in New Jersey

You know if you are a regular reader that I signed up to fish in New Jersey’s salt water.  Since I became an  official Jersey Angler I had to go to New Jersey to fish didn’t I?

Well, a lot of the inns were full, or if not full they were rather pricey.  And after a spate of phone calls to places I’ve visited in the past the available options for a one day escape were limited so I did what any camper would do and I called the State of New Jersey and asked about Belleplain Forest.  It isn’t exactly at the beach but then neither are a lot of their camping resorts.

In order to use their lake and picnic area you have to pay ten dollars on the weekend, but if you are camping at one of their sites then it’s free to go paddle  around or swim, or hike in their forest!

For 30 dollars a night- and they do rent for just one night, you can get a lean-to.  In different states lean-to’s mean different things. In Vermont it’s like an open creche like thing- sort of the background for manger scenes at Christmas, but in New Jersey it’s a shed.  It’s got about 6 windows across the front of the shed, it’s about 16 feet by 12.  It has a nice glass and steel door and a key.  The back of these units slope and they are painted a solid dull brown inside.  The floors are plywood and other than a propane heater there is nothing but a broom inside.

Outside the shed or lean-to you will find a fire pit, a charcoal grill, a picnic table and enough room to set up a screenhouse.

We aren’t talking luxury here, but seriously where else can you find arrangements for 6 at the last minute in a place where they drive through making sure guests are obeying state rules? 

Free showers ( which could have used a cleaning but hey, have I mentioned they were FREE).  They even  have washers and dryers in the bath houses! 

We brought bikes and locked them up in the lean-to when we went to the beach.  Driving around at the beach there were plenty of places to park but they charged anywhere from 10 to 20 bucks for four hours starting at 8pm. 

So fishing, swimming, sunning and boardwalking wound up being pretty inexpensive which meant we could afford going out to eat!  Imagine crab chowder, a huge salad and beer while  watching the Phillies on big screen televisions!  20 bucks!  Or grilled steak and shrimp with blue cheese sauce and a side of bay seasoned fries for less than 20 bucks!  Feeding a family of four, plus the overnight cost of the shed still was cheaper than most motel units.

Look, there are all kinds of vacations. A trip to a shed in New Jersey isn’t going to be everyone’s idea of a great escape.   This jaunt wasn’t one of the fanciest but hey, if you have a family that likes doing things at the spur of the moment then you have to be frugal sometimes in order keep having fun without breaking your piggy bank.

And what do you really need to camp in a shed?  A sleeping bag for everyone?  Heck, a pool float and a blanket will suffice.  I recommend a lantern, a battery operated fan, a cooler and a couple of beach chairs.

Pack a bathing suit and a lot of towels!  Then add some bug spray and a paperback novel and you are almost ready to go.  You’ll need matches and some charcoal briquets if you are going to be cooking out, but  remember sandwiches and snacks don’t need any kind of cooking!

We’ve got a month of summer left!  I wish you lots of fun!





Proof of Pottstown’s School Districts Cheating?!

Remember we talked about Pottstown School District being flagged for cheating?

Can someone direct me to where I’ll find Pottstown on the list here?

Maybe there is another list of schools that have cheated?

Maybe this list didn’t include Pottstown, or maybe I’m so twisted I can’t see it in the list even after reading it several times!

Someone take a minute and scan this file and see if they see Pottstown?

I see Spring Ford!  I just don’t see Pottstown!

And beyond that I don’t see how any of us had any right to assume that any of the information in this file meant that a school was cheating!   This paper specifically says that it shouldn’t be taken to mean that a school has been involved in cheating!

And yet, we all were so sure that our teachers and administrators were cheaters!

Good thing I can  read!http://www.thenotebook.org/sites/default/files/PA838_Data%20Forensics%20Report%20Final1.pdf


